Oh Good – You Need To Wash Your Actual Pillow Several Times A Year

Yup, you're probably disgusting.
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Nadezhda Akimova / EyeEm via Getty Images
Photo taken in Limassol, Cyprus

Washing your bedsheets should be an easy task but it’s something most of us put off. Putting your bedsheets into the wash isn’t difficult but changing them is anything but fun. 

We spend about a third of our lives in bed sleeping, so it is important to have clean and comfortable bedding to ensure we get a good night’s rest.

It’s also important that what we sleep on is clean to help us avoid getting ill. This means that bedding and blankets should be changed and washed often - it makes sense to change them regularly, but how often actually is ‘regularly’?

Bedding experts at Bed Kingdom reveal how often your bed sheets, pillows, blankets and more should be changed that will minimise how dirty your bed sheets get. And we hate to break it to you – we should all be washing them way more than we probably are.

How often should you change your bed sheets?

It’s recommended that you wash and change your bed sheets once a week, or at most every other week. Once a week is a healthy balance between washing sheets regularly enough to avoid the build-up of bacteria, germs, and dirt, without being so often that it becomes hard to fit into your routine.

Still, changing your bed sheets weekly can feel like a hassle, especially if you’re busy with work, taking care of kids, or just keeping on top of daily chores. So why do you need to change your bedding this often?

We lose a lot of fluid and body oils each night through sweating and respiration. We shed dead skin cells, and dirt rubs off our bodies as we toss and turn. These can build up over a week, making your bed sheets dirty and smelly. This can attract bacteria and fungi, which can cause various skin and health conditions.

How often should you wash your pillows and pillowcases?

Pillows can go longer periods without being washed. For example, if you use a pillow protector underneath the pillowcase, you can get away with washing your pillow three times a year.

Err... which we’ve definitely been doing, promise.

It’s good hygiene to unzip and wash the pillow protectors every month, though. This is because oils and dirt from your hair and face can seep into the pillow and pillow protector. If you do not use a pillow protector, it is recommended to wash your pillows every month or two months.

However, pillowcases should be washed at least once a week. Pillowcases make contact with your head and face every night. Considering the number of oils, sweat, and dirt we can expel from the pores on our face, they can quickly accumulate significant amounts of dirt.

Dirty pillowcases can be a breeding ground for germs and can drastically increase the chances of breakouts, acne, and skin rashes. Regularly washing pillowcases could help reduce breakouts for those who suffer from acne and pimples.


Blankets are a bit of a tricky one. How often you wash them depends entirely on how often they are used. If you use your blanket every night, you’ll want to wash it once every two weeks at least. On the other hand, if your blanket only gets used once in a blue moon, you can go three months without washing it.

Comforters and duvets

Comforters and duvets can go a relatively long time without being washed. Barring any accidents such as spillage, your comforter and duvet only need to be cleaned a few times a year.

Their respective covers on the hand will need much more regular washing. Placing covers in the wash every two weeks should keep them from accumulating too much dirt. If your comforter does not have a separate cover, it’s best to put it in the laundry every month or sooner if there’s a spill or stain on it.


Mattresses only need to be washed once or twice a year. Of course, if you drop or spill something on it, you should wash it immediately to avoid it staining. To prevent your mattress from getting dirty more often and thus having to clean it regularly, a high-quality mattress protector can be put on top.

Acting as a shield between yourself and the mattress, mattress protectors will significantly extend your mattress’s life. It will also help keep your mattress clean, often absorbing spills and stains instead of allowing them to seep through. As such, a mattress protector should be washed every month or sooner in case of spillage.

How often you change your mattress and buy a new one depends on your type of mattress. Some can last for ten years without sagging, while others will need to be replaced within five years.