One Direction's Harry Styles Kisses Bandmate Niall Horan On Stage (VIDEO)

What A Bromance

Harry Styles' love of women is hardly a secret - in fact it's gotten him in a wee bit of bother of late, so you couldn't really blame him if he decided to try his luck with the boys instead.

Video footage of One Direction at a recent gig in Houston would certainly suggest he is, as Harry can be seen planting a big old smacker on bandmate Niall Horan's lips as they perform What Makes You Beautiful.

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What a bromance.

It has just been revealed that before Harry's age-gap romance with Caroline Flack, he enjoyed a relationship with a married radio DJ.

Harry met Lucy Horobin - who is 14 years older than him - when One Direction appeared on her Manchester radio show last year and the pair embarked on a whirlwind romance.

Who's next? Cher? Joan Rivers? We wouldn't put it past him.


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