One Direction Louis Tomlinson Flies Into Rage Over Twitter Trolls

What's Prompted Louis' Foul-Mouthed Tirade?

One Direction star Louis Tomlinson lost his cool on Sunday after calling out Twitter trolls who attacked his mum.

The singer flew into a rage after reading nasty messages sent to his mum Johannah, with one user on the site telling her she should have "aborted" her son.

Tomlinson ranted to his millions of followers: "Can I ask why this is ok? To think someone would speak to my Mum like that sickens me. Grow the f**k up!"

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Louis apologised for swearing later on

Johannah was bombarded with abuse after attempting to defend Tomlinson and his girlfriend after fans complained he was beginning to behave like an "a**".

She wrote: "Lou is not an a**! All he is asking is people respect his lovely girlfriend Eleanor! It's not too much. Please."

After calming down, Tomlinson apologised for his foul-mouthed episode writing: "I've clearly flipped on twitter today. I'm sorry to any REAL fan of ours that I've offended. I love all our true fans so f**king much! That's a promise! I assure you all I'm always true to myself! embarrassing tweet."

And he admitted he needed some quality time with one of his bandmates, adding: "Wouldn't mind a good heart to heart with Zayn Malik right now! Missing you man!"

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