One In Six Women Believe Fake Tan Protects Against Sun Damage

One In Six Women Believe Fake Tan Protects Against Sun Damage

Millions of women are putting their lives at risk because of a mistaken belief that a spray tan will protect them from the sun’s harmful rays.

One in six women believe that fake tan acts like a sunscreen while nearly half think their foundation and make-up provides them with UV protection.

While 7 per cent of those questioned admitted to eschewing suntan lotion altogether, a fifth were under the misguided impression that only those with fair skin or ginger hair need to worry about covering up.

The surprising statistics came from a report carried out by the screening service, which looked at how 3,000 Britons protected themselves from the sun this summer.

The survey found that 20 per cent of women only bought suntan lotion when they were abroad on holiday, with no thought for protection when exposed to the sun at home.

What’s more, although nearly a quarter of Britons have a “suspicious” mole they fear might be cancerous, only half of those have not sought medical advice.

It would seem vanity comes before health for some with 12 per cent admitting they are more worried about getting wrinkles than damaging their skin and a further 6 per cent more concerned with not getting tan lines and marks from sunglasses.

Bruce Murray, managing director of, said: “We commissioned this survey to see what the awareness of melanoma in the UK is, and it’s concerning that many people don’t think this can affect them.

“It’s important people take the risk of sunbathing seriously and are aware that moles and melanoma can develop any time.

“In light of these findings we have decided to give away 5,000 free mole screens on our website.”