Today I met Katy Etherington from PA Pool for a friendly coffee, Skyped Alan Chaulet in Boston about his Kickstarter to get wheelchairs on aeroplanes (more to come!), and read more of my latest book (about growing tech businesses).

It's Thursday night. It's raining. I've just written an update to 28 amazing people who backed my Kickstarter over the halfway mark, already. Beyond feeling confident we'll hit the £2200 target towards the costs of publishing my first book, it's got me feeling all philosophical and reflective.

So I thought I'd share my last week with you. And what a week it was too!

After a long Friday pushing Accomable, Disability Horizons, the Kickstarter campaign and my client work; Kasia and I met my dad and step mum for a curry in town.

On Saturday we went with my best mate Billy and 4 of Kasia's friends to the north Norfolk coast. The weather was gorgeous, a few peeps swam, and we all had a magical day. Sunday we had a barbecue with my mum and my step dad on a beautiful summer evening.

Moving into Monday I was back working my bottom off. Srin and I have pushed Accomable and DH so hard in recent months. I feel proud and exhausted :-)

So I decided to take it a little easier Tuesday on the work front. However I had my wheelchair services appointment following the wonky hip situation last December. Yes it still rumbles on. The cushion is feeling good, but the backrest was useless, and I'm back to square one.

Ranty observation: Wheelchair Services if you allocated one person on a case, we wouldn't have wasted 6 months and vital NHS money to get nowhere. Very silly practices...

Yesterday I was honoured with the responsibility of looking after my 8 and 4 year old nieces! Kasia and I drove them to Wimpole Hall near Cambridge. We treated them to lunch, drinks and ice cream. I was in heaven more than them regarding ice cream. We looked at the animals in the farm, swung (literally) through the adventure forest, rolled around the 'walled garden', and saw the stately Wimpole Hall. The fellow visitors were in awe of me and 2 princesses zooming past, with Kasia skipping next to us :-)

Today I met Katy Etherington from PA Pool for a friendly coffee, Skyped Alan Chaulet in Boston about his Kickstarter to get wheelchairs on aeroplanes (more to come!), and read more of my latest book (about growing tech businesses).

Currently Kasia is putting together our videos from the 2 month Europe road trip. I am looking forward to seeing this. I'm also in huge excited anticipation for the delivery of my new car tomorrow! Then Saturday we're going with Mum and Dave to Norwich for a weekend together.

In summary. One week! Work is flying. I still always insist on some relaxation and leisure - We only live once. I'm feeling blessed with family. Kasia still gives me butterflies (I love this woman so much). Life feels generally amazing!

What have you been up to? Any plans before September? I hope you are well anyway. Keep me posted on your activities and projects too please.


Co Founder Accomable

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