Owen Jones Enrages Jeremy Corbyn Fans For #WeAreHisMedia Reminder

Man who wrote 'The Establishment - and how they get away with it' accused of 'being swallowed by the establishment'.
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Jonathan Brady/PA Wire

Owen Jones has sparked fury from Jeremy Corbyn supporters for reminding them of the limited influence of a Twitter campaign.

The columnist was responding to ‘#WeAreHisMedia’ - a Twitter mass-posting attempt by fans of the Labour leader to articulate positive news about him. 

The trending hashtag was filled with posts hailing Corbyn, many hitting out at the Islington MP’s treatment by online and broadcast news organisations, which a report recently found showed a “clear and consistent bias” against him.

But despite the hashtag’s popularity among Corbyn fans, Jones decided to remind them that the influence of social media on winning elections was limited.

He posted:

Many other journalists offered a similar analysis, 

But the Guardian columnist’s post in particular prompted swift scorn from hundreds of incensed social media users.

Jones hit back, explaining the limits of social media in influencing politics by pointing to far-right group Britain First.

Which only made people more angry with him.

Leaving the columnist despairing.


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