Parenting...The Truth: Giving Birth (Video)

Parenting...The Truth: Giving Birth (Video)

Laminating your birth plan? Now that's organised! See 53 seconds in.

Or the helpful partner telling his wife 'breathe in, breathe out'. Guess what her response was? 3.07 mins.

In this Parentdish video parents talk honestly about labour and birth and their different experiences.

At Parentdish we celebrate the magic and madness of parenting - and if ever there was a stage when those two words were suited it's the birth of your baby.

While you might hear endless horror stories, we're here to bring you the reality of having a baby. In the second film in our new video series, Parenting...the Truth, we talk to mums and dads about their deliveries.

The video covers birth plans, drugs, helpful (or not!) partners and the sheer magic of meeting your baby for the first time.

Enjoy the film!

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