Parents Should Feel Inspired To Embarrass Their Children, Says Dad Dancing Champ

Parents Should Feel Inspired To Embarrass Their Children, Says Dad Dancing Champ

A “dad dancing” champion has showed off his embarrassing moves ahead of Christmas and New Year parties.

Father-of-two Conrad Gillespie, 43, demonstrated his repertoire of moves including the “one-legged mulhagen” in a video.

The move starts off with Mr Gillespie on all fours and involves him raising his right leg and swinging it in time to the music.

Mr Gillespie, an impact and partnership development manager at the University of Exeter, also busts out the “quadruple helix manoeuvre” and the “rusty robot”.

He became world dad dancing champion for the second time at DadFest, a festival for fathers and children held annually in Devon.

Colleagues were unaware of Mr Gillespie’s dad dancing prowess until he was spotting pulling a few moves during his lunch break.

Now, in a video released by the university, Mr Gillespie is seen swapping his grey suit and tie for a pair of legwarmers, a space helmet and a T-shirt.

He takes part in an exercise class before dancing with student a cappella group the Bluebelles.

Mr Gillespie said his daughters, Lara, seven, and Jody, five, are mortified by his hobby.

“At Christmas and New Year parties, dads and mums should feel inspired to embarrass their children like I do mine,” the artificial intelligence expert said.

“My moves are guaranteed to make them cringe. Being the world dad dancing champion feels good.”

He said he was “over the moon” to take home the trophy following the competition in September.