Pegida UK Leader Timothy Scott Quits After 'Epic Fail' Channel 4 interview, 'Confirms He Does Not Have PTSD'

Pegida UK Leader Timothy Scott Quits After 'Epic Fail' Channel 4 interview

An ex-soldier revealed Thursday as the new leader of Pegida UK just quit after a car-crash first interview on Channel 4, and has since released a statement saying he does not have "PTSD" after being ridiculed on social media.

Tim Scott, who was deployed in Afghanistan and fought against the Islamic State with Kurdish forces, was interviewed by journalist Alex Thomson on Thursday, ahead of a rally the group - ‘Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident’ – is to hold on 6 February. Former English Defence League leader Tommy Robinson is providing advice to the group.

Scott initially put out a statement, calling his interview an "epic fail in my life for many reasons". Unfortunately, it was as confusing as his television interview.

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Timothy Scott, seen above during his Channel 4 interview, has reigned two days after being made the leader of Pegida UK

He wrote: "I have spent my life fighting and losing people close to me in the process. Yesterday my family did that again, not because they want to hurt me but because they have concerns for my little one. More happened last night they (sic) I can imagine and all because of one short clip on a Channel 4 interview that was clearly edited and cut to suit their left wing agenda."

Scott went on to say he knew he could have led the movement because "I am here for one reason, and one reason only and that is I care about my country", but said he did not need a "title to prove myself".

He said: "I’ve done that already with my previous achievements. It’s just a shame that others let their ego’s get in the way.

"Yes people will be disappointed but I would like you to know I have not decided to leave the movement because of an interview or even comments on social media (many of which were from people that should know better), but because of things outside my control."

Scott ended the statement be saying he would be posting another one to "stop the ridiculous rumours about why I joined the movement as leader", and reassuring Pegida supporters that there was an "excellent team in place" and that the moment it will finally "make a difference".

In the next statement, Scott addressed his critics directly. He said Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, did not "use him".

He wrote: "I would like to clarify that I was in no way tricked into doing an interview or taking part in the movement by Tommy or any of his team."

Scott then went on to make excuses for his lack of knowledge on the "big truths" about Islam, which he was unable to elaborate on during the interview, which led to him being mocked.

"There seems to be a lot of people who think they know everything, all I can say is that unless you've walked a mile in someone else's shoes and you have the full story, its better you just keep quiet. This was not something that had been planned for weeks, it happened within a very short period of time."

Scott said Robinson had not "signed off" on the interview, saying: "Anyone with half a brain would know that is not how it works and is a ridiculous assumption."

Addressing the rumours about his health, and the movement directly Scott wrote: "So to all those that have put out the rumours that have been circulating to disrupt a new movement, look at the facts first. I actually believe it is an insult to me that you think I would be that stupid. Please note also that I do not have PTSD.

"To conclude my honour is intact and should never have been questioned, just make sure when you are thinking of your culture and your country that yours is too."

Robinson is said to be sticking with the group, which will campaign for a moratorium on Muslim immigration to the UK, as well as place a ban on the building of mosques.

At an anniversary rally in October, speaker Akif Pirinçci bemoaned refugees, calling Germany a "Muslim garbage dump."

However, speaking to Channel 4 News on Thursday, Robinson, who has attended several Pegida rallies across Europe, said the events were suitable for families, noting the contrast between Pegida marches and the booze-fuelled events of the EDL.