PICS: Which Singer Is Utterly Unrecognisible On Interview's March Cover?

PICS: Which Singer Is Utterly Unrecognisible On Interview's March Cover?

You know how magazine cover "transformations" are usually a case of swapping one style of outfit for another, or perhaps switching your normal jumper and jeans combo for some sexy underwear?

Well, we're contending that Katy Perry on the cover of Interview magazine is a genuine transformation. The woman is unrecognisible!

Photo: Mikael Jansson for Interview magazine

Katy's new look was styled by Karl Templer and photographed by Mikael Jansson for the magazine's March edition.

In fact the pop singer looks so different that, even though her name is plastered across the cover in big letters, we've still got a nagging suspicion that Interview are playing a practical joke on us.

Here's the side-by-side of Interview's made over Katy and the Katy from Elton John's Oscars viewing party:

Photos: Mikael Jansson for Interview/PA

But if she doesn't look like herself, who does she look like? Well, the eyeliner screams Amy Winehouse but we think the overall effect is of a younger Liz Hurley.

What do you think of Katy's cover? And who does she remind you of?