Piers Morgan Slams Mum Who Demanded Friend Pay For Daughter's Scuffed Boots, On 'Good Morning Britain'

'Piers is a vicious bully who is trying to be controversial.'

Piers Morgan criticised a mum on live TV for billing a parent £325 when her daughter came home from a friend’s house with scuffs on her boots.

Sarah Louise Bryan, 28, had messaged the mother to explain how unhappy she was that the shoes could not be “fixed” as they were “Italian fine leather”.

Morgan slammed the mum for having the “audacity” to do such a thing.

“I have a five-year-old girl - they get pen marks on them, they draw,” Morgan said to Bryan on ‘Good Morning Britain’ on 10 January. 

“Then when [your daughter] comes back with these pen marks you have the audacity to send her an invoice.” 

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Bryan said: “If you sent your child somewhere to be looked after by a responsible parent and they came back with scratches on their body...”

To which Morgan interrupted before she could finish: “But you’re not a responsible parent.”

When Bryan said he had “no idea” about her parenting skills, Morgan added: “You’re the worst kind.”

The argument continued and Bryan teared up when talking about the backlash she had received on social media since the story broke in early January. 

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After her appearance on ‘Good Morning Britain’, Bryan said she was “so angry” when the interview ended that she had a panic attack in the dressing room.  

“Producers and people were apologising for what had happened,” she told The Sun Online.

“Piers is a vicious bully who is trying to be controversial – but as far as I am concerned he has no balls.”

Good Morning Britain’ is on weekdays from 6am to 8.30am on ITV.

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