Pink Delivers Incredible Speech About Her Daughter At The VMAs

"We take the gravel and the shell, and we make a pearl,"

Amidst the absolute pomp and ceremony that was the MTV Video Music Awards, Pink brought everyone back down to Earth by sharing an incredible story about her daughter.

The singer had taken to the stage to accept her award but instead of talking about her music she recounted a conversation she had with her daughter.

The mother-of-two recalled the upsetting moment when her daughter Willow said that she looked like a boy.

“She said to me, out of the blue, ‘Mama, I’m the ugliest girl I know.’ And I said, ‘Huh?’ And she was like, ‘Yeah, I look like a boy with long hair’,”

The statement was so shocking to the singer, real name Alicia Moore, that she immediately decided to do something about it.

She created a powerpoint presentation that showed “androgynous rock stars, and artists that live their truth and probably were made fun of every day of their lives, and carry on and wave their flag and inspire the rest of us.”

She then said, “We take the gravel and the shell, and we make a pearl, and we help other people to change so they can see more kinds of beauty…and you, my darling, are beautiful.”

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