'Pink Viagra'. Godsend or Goddess-Slayer?

Feeling sexy is a fundamental part of being female. It's no wonder that low sex drive leads to low mood. Without that passion and juiciness, we feel incomplete. But there are many natural, beautiful, exciting ways that you can re-ignite your love life, without taking drugs.

The FDA has finally given its approval to the first ever female libido drug, Addyi. Millions of low sex drive women might greet this news with a cheer. But is it really a reason to celebrate? Or does it mark a dark dawn for the decline of female sexuality?

Despite the popular notion that women in their 30s and 40s are in their sexual prime, the reality is that most of us are so overwhelmed with full-time jobs, families and full social calendars that the bedroom is purely for sleeping.

Most of us are just too knackered for sex.

Add to that our dreadful diets and obsession with low fat foods. Is it any wonder our bodies are betraying us? We are failing to feed our sex drives.

One of the reasons we're feeling like dried up crones is because most of us don't put enough sexy fats into our bodies to help them operate efficiently. We might be skinny. But we are not sexy. How fundamentally wrong is that?

A drug won't fix this. Nor will it heal the dysfunctional relationship many of us have with our bodies, encouraging us to be glorious in our femininity - curves and all.

In fact it's not just one drug. Unlike male Viagra which is taken ad-hoc, Addyi requires a daily dose. You can almost see the pound signs in the drug company bosses eyes as they lure us into a lifetime of pill popping.

There has to be another way.

And there is.

The truth is that most modern women are so disconnected with their feminine energy, they have no idea how to tap in and turn it on. We are losing our sensuality. Forgetting our femininity. In a world that encourages us to 'man up', we're in danger of becoming asexual.

So the simple solution for any low libido woman is to go back to basics and rediscover what it feels like to be feminine. Because there is a sacred, sexy energy that courses within all of us. We just need to know where to find it.

Feeling sexy is a fundamental part of being female. It's no wonder that low sex drive leads to low mood. Without that passion and juiciness, we feel incomplete. But there are many natural, beautiful, exciting ways that you can re-ignite your love life, without taking drugs.

Nourish your libido with foods that boost your energy levels and your serotonin. Wild fish and seafood. Free range poultry. Leafy greens and dark chocolate.

Worship yourself with rituals that make you feel like a Goddess. Rose scented oily baths. Candlelight. Meditation. Sandalwood.

Seduce yourself with sensuous lingerie that makes you feel feminine and flirty.

Indulge in gentle exercise outdoors, and feel your connection with Mother Nature.

Learn to dance. Or better still, join a tantric sex class.

Do anything before you do drugs.

'Pink Viagra' might make you horny while you take it.

But if you won't ever make you feel like the powerful, passionate, juicy, glorious Goddess that you were born to be.

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