PlayStation VR: How To Get Started, Best Games You Can Buy

Will PlayStation's big gamble pay off?

PlayStation VR has arrived. The company’s mass market virtual reality headset is now officially available to buy in the UK for £349.99.

If you’re looking to buy into Sony’s great virtual experiment there are a few things you need to know to get you setup and then playing.

PlayStation VR UK Price:

PlayStation VR costs £349.99 in the UK. It requires a PlayStation 4 to run however which costs £234.

PlayStation VR Requirements:

Ok so here’s the boring stuff, PlayStation VR will only work if you have these components in your house:

  • PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Slim, PlayStation 4 Pro

  • PlayStation Camera

If you don’t own the PlayStation Camera you can buy it here for £39. Optional accessories (that might be mandatory for some games) include the PlayStation Move controllers. These effectively become your hands in certain games like Batman Arkham VR and so while they aren’t a must-buy, check and make sure your game will work without them first. You can buy a twin pack for £68.99 here.

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PlayStation Move controllers help you interact with the virtual world around you.
Bloomberg via Getty Images

PlayStation VR Play Area:

PlayStation VR is both a sitting down and standing up VR experience. Unlike HTC’s Vive which turns the living room into a massive play area, PlayStation’s virtual reality experience is a bit more constrained.

Games like PlayStation Worlds will require you to stand up, crouch and look around, whereas games like Eve: Valkyrie use virtual reality to create the illusion that you’re sitting in the cockpit of a spacecraft.

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PlayStation VR Games

Here’s the bit you’ve really been waiting for, the games themselves. Sony’s invested hugely in making sure there are a lot of games available at launch and indeed there are.

So here are our pick of the best PlayStation VR games you can play right now:

Batman Arkham VR
This game might be short, but it fulfils a childhood dream: letting you become the Batman. Made by the same developers who created the incredible Batman Arkham series, this game lets you become both detective and superhero as you solve a crime that's close to your heart. Buy it, play it and then play it again.
RIGS Mechanized Combat League
RIGS is one of the first fully-fledged video games designed exclusively for PlayStation VR. It places you in a futuristic world where the biggest sport involves riding huge mechanised robots around a stadium as you look to score points and take each other out. It's not for the faint-hearted but once you get going this game truly encompasses how VR games can feel truly immersive.
Battlezone is a remaster of a retro classic. Brought into the modern world the game blends modern technology with the classic polygonal design that has you all warm and fuzzy with nostalgia. Also it's spectacularly fun to play.
Eve: Valkyrie
Eve: Valkyrie is a pure space simulator, letting you take the role of an immortal pilot whose consciousness is placed into a newly cloned body every time they die. It's sadly not the open-world explorer we'd hoped for but its multiplayer is enormous fun and who doesn't want to become a fighter ace in space?
PlayStation VR Worlds
Rather than one single game, PlayStation VR Worlds is a collection of experiences that range from the bottom of the ocean to riding shotgun (literally) in a London mobster's car. It's expensive for what it is (essentially a showcase of what VR can do), but each one is exceptionally well-built and it's a perfect starting point if you're buying someone PlayStation VR for Christmas.
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