Tory Members Would See Their Party Destroyed In Order To Deliver Brexit, Poll Reveals

YouGov survey also shows membership would be happy with break-up of UK.

Tory party members would be happy to see their party destroyed if it meant Brexit was delivered, according to new figures.

A YouGov poll published on Tuesday showed 54% of the party’s membership would rather the UK left the EU than the Conservative Party survive.

Only a third (36%) put the party’s preservation above steering Britain out of the EU.

The poll also showed 61% of Tory members would accept “significant damage” being done to the British economy if it meant the UK left the EU.

And it suggested 63% of the membership would accept Scottish independence  and the break-up of the UK to see Brexit happen.

The survey came ahead of the second round of voting in the party’s leadership contest.

Any candidate who fails to secure the backing of at least 33 votes will be eliminated. 

The candidate who comes in last place will be kicked out of the race even if they reach that threshold.

Boris Johnson is the frontrunner in the contest with Jeremy Hunt, Rory Stewart, Sajid Javid, Dominic Raab and Michael Gove fighting to secure second place.

The final two candidates will then go head-to-head in a vote of the party membership.

Johnson received a further boost this morning when former leadership candidate Andrea Leadsom endorsed him.

The candidates who survive this afternoons ballot of Tory MPs will face-off in a TV debate on the BBC this evening.