Pregnant Woman Told By Colleague She Would Look 'Unprofessional' At Work Event Because Of Her Bump


A pregnant woman has shared her shock after a colleague commented that it would be “unprofessional” for her to attend a work event because she was expecting.

Mumsnet user Crapuccino, who is 25 weeks pregnant but “already looks ready to drop”, was having “general chit chat” with her colleague at work.

She explained that she had been invited to an “extremely prestigious” work event and was really nervous.

The exchange went: “Colleague: ‘Erm, you’re going to go?”, Me: ‘Sure, why?’

“Colleague: ‘Well you’re pregnant. Won’t it look a bit unprofessional?’”

The pregnant woman said she then “scarpered, wondering WTF just happened”.

“Anyone else had any really weird comments whilst pregnant?” she asked.

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Mumsnet users were shocked at the comments the mum had received.

“People are just weird and often rude when you’re pregnant,” one person wrote. “I think they assume you’re public property.

“I remember in a pub having lunch I went to the bar and ordered two pints, wine and a cola and got raised eyebrows from the barmaid and she said: ‘You know you shouldn’t be drinking’. The cola was mine.”

Another wrote: “Unprofessional? How weird of her. You pregnant ladies should all be hidden away, why are you even at work? Haha, not. 

“When I started telling people I was pregnant, three separate people asked me whose baby it was, despite the fact I’ve been with the same man for many years.”

Many mums commented on the post sharing their experiences of weird things people have said.

“I’ve been asked if we forgot to use contraception or did it just fail,” one person wrote.

Another wrote: “My mother said: ‘You can’t go out now you’re showing because everyone will know what you’ve been doing.’”

Another commented: “When a guy in my team at work heard the news, the first words of out his mouth were: ‘Wow how does your partner feel about it?’”

One mum added: “I’ve only had comments from GPs (more than one) along the lines of: ‘Is it the same dad as your daughter?’

“I hate the assumption that it’s not and I’m not sure I see the need to know either way.”

Did you get any strange comments when you were pregnant? Let us know in the comments below.

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