Premature Ejaculation And Erectile Dysfunction: Experts Reveal Top Tips To Help Men Last Longer In Bed

How To Last Longer In Bed: Experts Reveal Top Tips For Men

Men, if you're having problems in the bedroom, rest assured that you're certainly not alone.

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a pretty common issue among men. In fact, one in five guys suffer from it, according to PE information website Firing Too Quickly.

Men who suffer from PE will usually ejaculate before or within a couple of minutes of having sex. However this can have negative consequences on the way guys feel about themselves, as well as the act of sex itself.

"There are many reasons why you might not last as long in bed as you would like," says Dr Tom Brett, LloydsPharmacy’s online doctor. "But the good news is that there are a variety of behavioural changes, health tips, and in certain cases, even prescription treatments that can help you last longer in bed."

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There are plenty of guys who are unsure about how long ‘normal’ sex should last before ejaculation. But the reality is that it's not actually that long.

"A study looking at 500 couples from five different countries found the average time between a man putting his penis into his partner’s vagina and ejaculation was around five-and-a-half minutes," reads the NHS Choices website.

Regardless of whether you suffer from PE or not, below is an array of expert-approved tips and tricks to help you last longer in bed.

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