Prince Harry Is Causing A Bit Of A Stir Among The Woman At His Army HQ In London

Prince Harry Is Causing A Bit Of A Stir Among The Woman At His Army HQ In London

So, it seems Prince Harry is attracting a bit of attention among the ladies at his army HQ in London. Word on the street is that his female colleagues have been queuing up to bring him lunch and cups of tea and now they have been ordered to stop following Harry about. Cute!

Harry split from his girlfriend of two years Cressida Bonas at the end of last month and according to the Sunday People, Harry's new single status has left some of the females at the British Army's London District headquarters at Horse Guards Parade a little smitten.

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Despite his recent split, Harry has been linked to Suffolk singer Laura Wright because the pair are set to have lunch together at the Suffolk Show in June!

A source told the tabloid: "The girls go doe-eyed and silly and it's immediately apparent everything's stopped because Harry is in the office. Some girls, not just the younger ones, treat him like he's a big celebrity.

"He's not always around because of his royal duties but when he is in the office, work basically stops."

Another said: "All of my staff begin swooning when Harry arrives for work. I cut them a bit of slack because he's not your average officer but I do have to tell them to concentrate when he's around.

"They are often queuing up to make him tea and bring his lunch to his desk. It can be a little embarrassing for Harry but he is very good natured."

But apparently it's not only the ladies bringing lunch to Harry because he's more than happy to make tea for everyone when it's his turn and he even brings in cakes! Please pay a visit to our offices next, Harry!

We love Prince Harry too... and here's why:

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