Priyanka Chopra Responds To Maxim India Armpit Photoshop Controversy

'Here's another pit-stopping picture to add to the debate.'

Priyanka Chopra's armpits were the talk of the town on Monday after fans accused Maxim India of Photoshopping them on their latest magazine cover. 

Now, the Bollywood actress has responded to the controversy by posting a photo of herself brandishing her armpits on Twitter. 

She captioned the photo: "Here's another 'pit-stopping' picture to add to the debate. #WillTheRealArmpitPleaseStandUp #nofilter #armpitdiaries." 

Body image campaigners branded the Maxim India cover as “alarming” with some saying it portrayed “unrealistic beauty ideals”.

Leyah Shanks, creator of The Body Confidence Revolution, labelled the cover shot as “scary”.

“There are a few things going on here that are alarming: the inherent gender stereotyping of females, the sexualisation of women and their bodies, and the shockingly unrealistic ideals of beauty,” she told The Huffington Post UK. 

“Priyanka Chopra looks almost like a doll.”


Fans also took to Twitter to accuse the magazine of Photoshopping the image.

Maxim India has not responded to The Huffington Post UK's request for comment and Chopra is yet to make a formal statement about the image.

But judging by her humorous tweet, she doesn't seem to be letting the debate get her down.

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