Rafael Nadal In His Pants For Armani (You Can Thank Us Later)

Rafael Nadal In His Pants For Armani (You Can Thank Us Later)

We were going to make this article about the aesthetics of athletic physique and how you can use these Rafael Nadal images to inspire you to take up tennis or something or another but it's a Friday and we really can't be doing with all that beating around the bush and pretending we're being all highbrow so here's the deal:

Rafael Nadal is a fine looking gentleman and Armani have been good enough to send over some pictures of him in his new Emporio Armani pants and jeans. Rather than just putting them in the special folder marked 'people in their pants' in our inbox (which absolutely, definitely doesn't exist) we have decided to share them with you.

Because you've had a long week and you deserve this.

Image courtesy of Armani

Image courtesy of Armani

There's also a gallery of other good looking gentlemen. We'll just leave it here for you...

Did we miss anyone out? Suggestions below please (and don't mention Colin Firth - he's the subject of an ongoing handsomeness argument in the MyDaily offices)!