Everyone who's ever been on Twitter or seen a newsagent will know about The Daily Express's front pages - while politics and serious news are making headlines everywhere else, the Express will splash on a new Alzheimer's treatment, an op-ed from Nigel Farage or even "it's a bit windy".
The Express's front page is usually a mish-mash of the following six topics:
- Weather
- Pensions
- Alzheimer's, Statins, cholesterol, or any health problem primarily affecting people over the age of 70
- The EU
- Princess Diana
- Asylum seeking migrants skiving and scrounging off benefits
Your typical Express front page scoop
The latest combines a new way to "beat Alzheimer's", some paper-based clickbait about Stricly Come Dancing, and a story about the BBC wasting your tax money by treating migrants like humans.
As a result we thought we'd play a little game. Can you guess which of these Daily Express headlines are real and which we made up?