Reddit User Gets Bill Gates As Their Secret Santa

This is going to be hard to beat...

Every year hundreds of thousands of Secret Santa gifts are exchanged over Reddit for no reason other than humans can actually be really nice to each other.

Reddit user Aerrix got the shock of her life however when she received a huge box after having sent off her own Reddit Secret Santa gift.

In case you’re wondering who would be the best Secret Santa in the world don’t worry we’ve already found them, it’s Bill Gates.

The Microsoft founder and all-round nice guy might be worth around $80bn but that didn’t stop him from getting involved in Reddit’s genuinely wonderful Secret Santa initiative.

Upon opening she discovered a mountain of gifts along with a note from Bill himself:

“I can’t believe your Secret Santa left you hanging last year. To ensure you don’t lose faith in the Reddit community I’ve enclosed several gifts that I hope you will enjoy. There are a few video games for you to play, some things to keep you warm and three of my favorite movies for you to watch over the holidays.

I’ve also made a donation in your name to to help give more students the chance to learn computer science.

With best wishes from Seattle, 

Bill Gates”

Included in the monster bundle of presents was a Minecraft Xbox One video games console, limited edition Xbox One controllers and several video games including Halo 5, Rise of the Tomb Raider and more.

He also got her matching mittens for her and her dog Claire as well as some Zelda-themed goodies after Gates learned that she was a massive fan of the video game series.

Of course Gates didn’t stop there. Aerrix also got a Nintendo Classic Mini (about as rare as gold dust) as well as a Cajun cookbook after she mentioned she was missing her Uncle’s Cajun cooking.

Writing about the surprise Aerrix said “I’m just blown away by his generosity,”

If you’re thinking she only cared about the free swag though think again, as even Gates’ donation was a gift specifically for Aerrix.

“It’s something near and dear to my heart as my husband is a programmer and my brother has a degree in computer science!”

So there you have it, not content with trying to cure some of the world’s worst diseases or solving the problem of clean water in third world countries Gates is also just a really nice person. Bravo.

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