Report: Gaddafi's Golden Gun Recovered By NTC Fighters After Slaying

Report: Gaddafi's Golden Gun Recovered By Freedom Fighters After Slaying

Former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi's iconic golden gun has been paraded by freedom fighters following his death.

Gaddafi was reported killed after the liberation of his birthplace Sirte by National Transitional Council (NTC) forces.

According to reports, a man named Mohammed al-Bibi said that he took the ornate, golden pistol, which Gaddafi had often been photographed holding, after shooting him dead.

Mohammed, who is in his 20s and was filmed by the BBC wearing a New York Yankees baseball cap, said that he found the colonel hiding in a hole in the ground.

He told the BBC that the leader said simply "don't shoot" before he opened fire. He was subsequently hoisted on to the shoulders of his fellow fighters, who chanted "God is great".

Gaddafi was reportedly shot in the abdomen, according to another fighter interviewed by the BBC.

The dead former leader owned several ornate golden weapons, including a rifle which was looted from his Tripoli compound when the capital was liberated earlier this year.

Gaddafi's death appeared to be confirmed after images of his naked, bleeding body were broadcast on Libyan television.