Ricky Tomlinson's £13,000 caravan has been stolen, according to reports.
The Royle Family star told the Daily Mirror that he used the 27ft-long holiday home while filming "woodpeckers, squirrels and buzzards" for an independent documentary.
"I can't believe it's happened," he said. "It must have been a well-organised gang as it was 2ft off the floor and resting on railway sleepers and breeze blocks because it was parked on a flood plain.
"The caravan was also down a lane over a mile long within a gated meadow.
"They lifted the gate off its hinges and must have had a decent-sized vehicle to take it away."
Ricky - best known for his role as layabout Jim Royle - added that he had only had the vehicle for a few years and it was in "sparkling condition".
The actor, a keen caravanner, said: "Some people expect me to have a villa, but frankly it's not my style."
WATCH: Ricky Tomlinson in The Royle Family