Rise Of The Man-Child: Grown Men Who Still Get Mum To Do Their Washing

Rise Of The Man-Child: Grown Men Who Still Get Mum To Do Their Washing
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A new survey reveals that grown men are so inept at housework that an astonishing one seventh of them still have their clothes washed by their mums.

The reason? They say they 'can't' – because mum has always done it for them (or in Housedad Towers, Yours Truly!)

And a third admit they don't know how to clean the bathroom, iron a shirt, or use the washing machine and tumble dryer.

The rise of the Man-Child has been uncovered by money saving website VoucherCodesPro.co.uk. It surveyed 2,739 men aged 18 and over and were asked: 'Do you help out with or do any household chores?'

The majority, 56 per cent, said they did. But when they were then provided with a list of household chores, such as cooking and cleaning, and were told to select the tasks they were unable to do, because they didn't really know how.

When asked why they couldn't do the tasks they'd identified, 68 per cent of the relevant respondents stated it was because they had always had someone to do these chores for them, like someone they lived with.

When asked what household chores they did assist with, 31 per cent identified 'washing up after a meal' as their domain, whilst 26 per cent selected 'gardening' and 12 per cent picked 'DIY/repairs'.

And to add to the Man-Chld tag, 61 per cent said they still played with toys aimed at children.

The most popular toys were LEGO (39 per cent), toy cars / remote control cars (28 per cent) and model train sets (14 per cent).

But at least they seem to have some self-awareness. More than two fifths (42 per cent) of respondents admitted they had some growing up to do when it came to certain responsibilities and behaviour, with 79 per cent of these stating that their friends and family probably felt the same way about them.

A spokesman for VoucherCodesPro.co.uk said: "In terms of playing with children's toys, I don't think there's anything wrong with being a man-child, but when you're unable to perform simple household chores within your own home then you know it's time to step up, put the toys aside for a short while, and learn how to cook a simple meal.

"Every man is a big kid at heart! There is, however, something to be said about men who still let their mothers shop for them, send them home with meals to microwave and wash their clothes.

"Mums get lumbered with that job for 18 years, so it's about time they were given a break!"


1.Clean the bathroom – 36 per cent

2. Use the washing machine and/or tumble dryer – 33 per cent

3. Iron a shirt – 30 per cent

4. Use the dishwasher – 26 per cent

5. Cook a simple meal – 24 per cent