Rishi Sunak Laughs In The Face Of Woman Complaining About State Of The NHS

The prime minister was tackled over the state of the health service while meeting voters.


Rishi Sunak has been caught on camera laughing as a woman complained to him about the NHS.

On a visit to Winchester on Friday, the prime minister was tackled over the state of the health service.

“You could make it all go back to how it used to be,” the woman, a former NHS worker, told him. 

“If you had a problem you could go to the hospital. My daughter spent seven hours waiting.”

Sunak initially laughed when the woman was talking, before being ushered away by aides.

The prime minister walked continuing the discussion with the woman, the pair then shook hands.

Lab our leader Keir Starmer said: “The prime minister doesn’t understand what people are going through.

“We engage with our plan - we don’t laugh and walk away.”

Lib Dem MP Christine Jardine said: “Out of touch does not even begin to describe Rishi Sunak’s attitude to the NHS.

“Laughing in the face of a former health worker whilst they are trying to explain to him the dire straits the NHS is in is frankly shocking. ”

Earlier this month Sunak was booed, heckled and told to “resign” when leaving. a cafe in Greater Manchester.