Why We Need to Work Together to Create Safer Roads

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road traffic crashes are the eighth leading cause of death worldwide, and the number one cause of deaths among 15-29 year olds .

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road traffic crashes are the eighth leading cause of death worldwide, and the number one cause of deaths among 15-29 year olds .

The WHO also estimates that, without intervention, road accidents will become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030, surpassing diseases such as HIV/AIDS and diabetes .

While in the UK the number of people killed or seriously injured has fallen in recent years, it is still appallingly high with 1,713 people killed in 2013 and 21,657 seriously injured.

Each of these accidents cause tremendous loss to victims, their families, and nations with estimated road collisions globally costing more than 500 billion USD per year .

We must do our part as a global business to change this trend.

At AB InBev our commitment to safety in the workplace is steadfast and long-standing. We focus on improving the safety of employees and contractors through our safety programs and trainings. We are also strong supporters of the consumer-focused Designated Driver program. Last year through our Budweiser brand we partnered with Ben Collins, the former Top Gear Stig, to encourage people to celebrate responsibly over the festive season.

To ensure our campaign has an even greater reach, we recently joined together with ten other leading global companies to form Together for Safer Roads (TSR) - an innovative private-sector coalition focused on improving road safety and reducing deaths and injuries from road traffic collisions.

By bringing together global industry leaders, we believe our business and others can drive change.

When combined, TSR members represent more than three million employees who either drive to work or as part of their job - and account for more than three billion miles driven per year in over 200 countries.

Given many of the road traffic deaths and accidents are largely preventable - through the reduction of speed, the use of helmets, seat belts and child restraints, infrastructure and the prevention of drink driving - we must act with greater urgency to ensure roads are a safer place for everyone.

It is because of this that today TSR members are celebrating World Safety Day by reinforcing the habits that promote safety in the workplace and our daily lives.

Whether it's driving a truck, car, motorcycle or bicycle for your work, commuting, or taking your kids to their weekend football match, safety should always be a priority.

Action however can not only be taken by large organisations. By committing to 5 simple pledges, everyone can take a step in making the roads in their community a safer place.

Today we urge you to get involved by following these principles:

1.Not texting and driving - it can wait;

2.Buckling your seat belt;

3.Respecting the speed limits;

4.Performing your 360 review before departing;

5.Don't drink and drive and instead plan ahead for a safe ride home.

Please help us expand awareness about the importance of fostering a culture of safety - all of the time - and share our information and commitment for safer roads with friends, families and neighbours.

Let's work together to help make roads safer for all.