Robbie Williams Says New Baby Theodora Is Not Named After President Roosevelt

Robbie Williams Says New Baby Theodora Is Not Named After President Roosevelt

It's not your average showbiz 'denial' but Robbie Williams has been quick to quash the latest rumour about him - that he named his daughter after US President Roosevelt.

The reason behind Robbie and wife Ayda's choice of name had become the subject of internet gossip with much speculation abounding that Theodora was for 'Teddy' Roosevelt and that the 'Rose' (her middle name) was a (tenuous) reference to his surname...

The Sun reports that some people had even claimed that the baby's name was a veiled attempt from Robbie to reveal he had become a born-again Christian as Teddy can mean 'God's gift'! - the fact he wrote on his website 'praise be' after she was born apparently adding more fuel to the crazy theory.

Robbie is said to have told a friend that all the speculation was 'utter nonsense' and that he was 'sick of the gossip'.


"She's called Theodora just because me and the wife loved the traditional name. We also wanted to choose a name that could be shortened so we could use the abbreviated name as her middle one - hence Theodora 'Teddy'. The Rose part is nothing to do with us viewing her as some future English rose," he is reported as saying.

"We just thought she looked like a lovely flower when we first saw her, so Rose it was," the indignant new dad said.

Surely the oddest celeb rumour for a while? Good job he didn't name her Maggie - imagine the speculation then...