Runaway Schoolgirl, 16, Dumps Jailed Teacher Lover Jeremy Forrest

Runaway Schoolgirl Dumps Jailed Teacher Lover

The 16-year-old schoolgirl abducted by teacher Jeremy Forrest has dumped him as he serves his jail term.

The teenager had vowed to wait for the 31-year-old, adding she hoped to marry him and have his children upon his release.

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Jeremy Forrest was jailed for five-and-a-half-years

A family source told the paper: “Jeremy is naturally devastated. He’s really upset, but at the same time he’s a realist.

“He half expected this to happen while he was in prison, I think.”

Married Forrest and the girl sparked a international manhunt last year when they fled to France fearing their sexual relationship was about to be exposed.

They were found in Bordeaux. Forrest was arrested and charged with child abduction and five counts of sexual activity with a child.

He was found guilty in June and sentenced to five-and-a-half years in jail.

The girl has been unable to visit Forrest in jail as anyone convicted of child sex offences is barred from having visitors under the age of 18.

In an earlier interview with The Sun, the girl also claimed "it was me who groomed him".

She said: "I instigated the relationship in the first place and it was my suggestion to run away.

"But Jeremy is not a paedophile, if anything it was me who groomed him. I love Jeremy so much and will wait for him, I don’t want anyone else, I’m not interested."

Speaking to The Daily Mail in September, the girl’s stepmother condemned Forrest for abusing his position as a teacher, but said she accepted the pair were in love.

“We will never feel 100 per cent confident about him. I’d like [my step-daughter] to meet someone and be happy. If that someone is Jeremy, it’s Jeremy. We’ll support her whatever she decides.”

Now she has ended the affair, the Mirror reports the girl told her friends: “It’s become too much, trying to have a -relationship with someone I can’t see or talk to.

"It was just too hard to carry on with the relationship. But I just want one last conversation with him to explain why I decided to move on in my life.”

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