Samuel L Jackson Reveals The Surprisingly Non-Sweary Quote That Fans Always Repeat To Him

We didn't expect this.
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No matter the film, you know that if veteran actor Samuel L Jackson is in it, you’re in for some perfectly-enunciated, killer lines. According to IMDB, he’s been in over 200 films and the man has RANGE. From Pulp Fiction to Star Wars to becoming a mainstay in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he’s been in some of the most iconic stories brought to the screen.

And who could forget his best lines such as “I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!” from Snakes On A Plane and “English, motherfucker, do you speak it?” from Pulp Fiction as well as many, many others.

However, the actor revealed in a Hollywood Reporter roundtable which quote fans repeat back to him most often and somehow, it doesn’t contain a swear word. We’re just as shocked as you are.

Which Samuel L Jackson quote is the most popular one with fans?

During the roundtable, which also included actors Oscar Issac, Tom Hiddleston, Michael Keaton, Brian Cox and Quincy Isaiah, the group were asked, “When a fan comes up to you on the street, what do they typically recognise you from, and what do they usually say?”

While you might expect him to quote a line from Pulp Fiction (I did), or one of the many other iconic lines that we associate with him, it was actually a line from... an advertisement for Capital One. Yeah.

The ad itself is pretty basic though of course, his delivery is excellent but it’s the final line, “what’s in your wallet?” that Samuel L Jackson most often hears repeated back to him by fans and, of course, he has a witty reply. When fans say this to him, he replies that his wife’s hand is in his wallet. 

He did admit, though, that people do often also ask him to call them a motherfucker and even ask him to record a message for their answering machine.

Of course they do, wouldn’t you?