Sanction Israel To End Occupation of Palestine — EFF

The party has welcomed the resolution by the United Nations Security Council but wants sanctions against Israel.
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Baz Ratner / Reuters

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)is calling for tougher sanctions against Israel following the resolution by the United Nations Security Council to halt Israel's settlement expansion into West Bank.

"This resolution, although an important step forward, has already been rejected by Israel which has threatened to punish countries like Senegal and New Zealand for putting the resolution forward. We reiterate that only by imposing full sanctions on the state of Israel will the occupation of Palestinian lands come to an end. Israel is ready to defy international laws and resolutions because they loose nothing by doing so," said EFF spokesperson Mbuyiseni Ndlozi.

He said Israel has undermined international law with impunity, subjecting millions of Palestinians to indignity and death in the process. Ndlozi added that the apartheid state of Israel has violated international laws by building racially segregated settlements in the West Bank which belongs to the internationally recognised state of Palestine.

"This has undermined the international efforts to a peaceful two-state solution. In addition, Israel is in a military occupation of Palestine subjecting the Palestinian people to humiliating checkpoints and segregated roads. We therefore call on the UN Security Council to pass a resolution to impose sanctions against Israel until it ends its occupation of Palestinian lands and allows all Palestinian refugees the right to return to their homes in both Israel and Palestine," he said.

On December 23 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the adoption of a welcomed the adoption of a UN Security Council resolution which stated that the establishment of Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, have "no legal validity", constitute a "flagrant violation" under international law and are a "major obstacle" to a two-state solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace.

The South African government has also welcomed the adoption of the resolution. Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Maite Nkoana-Mashabane said the decision by the Security Council was long overdue and emphasised the illegal nature of activities undertaken by the government of Israel that included the building of settlements‚ the confiscation of land‚ the demolition of Palestinian property and the displacement of Palestinians.

Times Live reported that Nkoana-Mashabane said illegal Israeli settlements continued unabated and had led to a fragmentation of the West Bank and continued to threaten the feasibility of a contiguous Palestinian state.

South Africa urged Israel to adhere to all its obligations under international law.

"We trust that this resolution is the beginning of a new phase of active engagement of the Security Council in the peace process. South Africa reiterates its call for all efforts to kick-start the stalled negotiations and to do so in a balanced manner that will urge the parties to start engaging in the final status issues. South Africa remains committed to providing both sides with the support needed to achieve a lasting resolution of the question of Palestine based on all relevant UN resolutions and within the framework of international law‚" said Nkoana-Mashabane.