Very Real Sasquatch Family Spotted On Arizona Highway, Official Agency Warns

Official Agency Issues CCTV Images Of 'Family Of Sasquatches Sighting'

A government agency has taken to Facebook to warn it may have spotted 'a family of sasquatches' by a highway.

Nearly 2,500 people have shared the Arizona Department For Transportation's Facebook post that shows, in true Sasquatch/Big Foot sighting style, a series of blurry black lines that is clearly something else.

The department said it was intended as a joke.

Spokesman Tim Tait told ABC News: "We always try to have a little fun with our Facebook and Twitter feeds.

“That way, we don’t just post news about crashes and road conditions but a little something to engage our audience in different ways.

“This posting was one of those efforts – something that caught our attention, and we thought it might make some people chuckle.”

As the eagle-eyed Huffington Post UK previously reported, Sasquatch, or Big Foot, has been spotted in Lincolnshire, Norway and the Canadian mountains in the last 12 months.