School Bans Girl's 'Virginity Rocks' T-Shirt

School Bans Girl's 'Virginity Rocks' T-Shirt
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A schoolgirl was banned from wearing a 'virginity rocks' T-shirt - because it could lead to awkward conversations about sex.

Chloe Rubiano, 13, was told by teachers at Ramay Junior High, Fayetteville, Arkansas, to change her top for a standard-issue gym shirt because it 'opens up too many doors for conversations'.

Chloe had bought the T-shirt - which says on the reverse, 'I'm loving my husband and I haven't even married him' - at a Christian festival, and wanted to wear it to school because it represented her beliefs.

However, she was told by the vice-principal that it could be a classroom distraction.

Chloe's mum, Bambi Crozier, said she was surprised by the school's ban. She told 5News: "This is part of sex ed to me. Virginity is where you need to be - it represents what she believes."

Chloe added: "I just really like the shirt because I was always raised that way. I didn't really think anyone would make a big deal out of it."

Fayetteville school authorities said that potentially disruptive clothing is banned.