School's Out For The Summer - And Teachers Are Getting Up to £225 Worth Of Gifts

School's Out - And Teachers Can Expect £225 In Gifts

Teachers can expect a lot more than an apple when school breaks up for the summer on Friday.

Instead of the traditional 50p gift, the average teacher will get £225 worth of goodies from parents, new research from shows.

And they’re not the only ones who will benefit from generous parents – many mums and dads also admit to giving presents to classroom assistants and dinner ladies.

Over half of Britain’s families will spend an average of £7.50 on flowers, chocolates or even alcohol according to online retailers, who interviewed 2,000 people.

Woolworths say they are selling 30 per cent more gifts than last month, and it’s a trend that keeps on rising.

Nearly two thirds of younger mums and dads will buy a present for teachers, compared to 52 per cent of the older generation.

So when term ends and the six week summer holidays begin, school staff are set to get much more than just a long break.