Scottish Independence Referendum Would Be 'Toxic And Divisive' Says Scottish Secretary

Scottish Independence Referendum Would Be 'Toxic And Divisive' Says Scottish Secretary
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A second Scottish independence referendum would be “toxic and divisive”, the Scottish secretary has warned.

David Mundell, who survived Theresa May’s sweeping cabinet reshuffle yesterday, said people in Scotland were in no “mood” to have another vote just 18 months after the last one.

May will visit Edinburgh today - her first official trip since becoming prime minister on Wednesday.

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Jane Barlow/PA Wire

In her speech on the steps of Downing Street as she took office, May she was committed to “the precious, precious bond between England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland”.

Nicola Sturgeon has said the Brexit vote could lead to another independence referendum - as the majority of Scots voted to remain a member of the EU.

Speaking to BBC Radio 4’s Today programme this morning, Mundell said: “What people in Scotland don’t want is this toxic and divisive issue of a second Scottish independence referendum being put on the table and blurring the issues around the EU negotiations.

“People in Scotland are in no mood for a second independence referendum and business in particular in Scotland isn’t in a mood to have the issue of Scottish independence blurring the very, very important negotiations to get Scotland the best possible deal from the EU negotiations.”

May finalised her cabinet last night, sweeping away many of the David Cameron and George Osborne loyalists. More junior appointments are expected today.

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