Seniors Need To Lift More Weights For A Healthy Retirement

But a longer life also means 'the proportion of life spent in good health is falling' according to The Office for National Statistics. Healthy life expectancy for boys born between 2013-2015 is 63.1 years (79.7% of their lifetime) and for girls is 63.9 years (77.1% of their lifetimes)

Seniors need to lift more weights for a healthy retirement

Research from DW Sports has found that half of over 65s are not doing enough weight training

40% of over 65s do no strength training at all

Britain's oldest personal trainer explains the dangers of not doing strength training

With life expectancy at its highest it's more important than ever to stay active

Musculoskeletal conditions are the second largest cost to the NHS budget

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Life expectancy is the highest it has ever been. Men can expect to live until they are 82 years old, and women 85 years old.

But a longer life also means 'the proportion of life spent in good health is falling' according to The Office for National Statistics. Healthy life expectancy for boys born between 2013-2015 is 63.1 years (79.7% of their lifetime) and for girls is 63.9 years (77.1% of their lifetimes)

This means facing nearly 20 years of life in poor or fair health.

"Improvements to healthcare and living healthier lives mean that as a nation we are living longer. However while we are living longer we are spending a smaller proportion of our overall lives in good health which puts a greater challenge on health services." Sarah Caul, Senior Health Researcher, ONS

Could working longer make us healthier?

It's estimated that by 2020, one third of the workforce will be over 50, the official retirement age is set to go up to 67 by 2028, and talk of it going up to 70 for millennials, but could there be a positive benefit to working longer? According to the NHS, the over 65s are the most sedentary age group, spending 10 hours or more each day sitting or lying down. Good work contributes to self esteem and cognitive health and gives a sense of purpose and routine.

But 42% of people aged 50-64 who are working have one or more health condition and almost half (46%) of people aged 55-64 who are no longer working retired due to at least one chronic medical condition

The most prevalent health conditions affecting people aged 50-64 are musculoskeletal conditions (21%)

Musculoskeletal conditions are disorders of the bones, joints, muscles and spine. They can cause pain, stiffness or a loss of mobility and dexterity that can make it difficult to carry out everyday activities.

According to the Department for Health

'Musculoskeletal conditions are the leading causes of pain and disability in England, particularly osteoarthritis and back pain. These conditions accounted for the second largest annual NHS clinical commissioning group budget spend of £4.7 billion in 2013/14 and result in substantial productivity losses.

Musculoskeletal conditions are a leading cause of sickness absence. People with musculoskeletal conditions are less likely to be employed than others, and tend to have lower household income and retire earlier. In 2013, 30.6 million lost working days were attributed to musculoskeletal conditions.

Musculoskeletal health has been called a public health priority. Tackling readily modifiable risk factors, such as obesity and physical inactivity, would lead to major health benefits.'

Public Health England advise that musculoskeletal conditions can be prevented through physical exercise:

"Regular physical activity and exercise at every stage of life can reduce the risk of many musculoskeletal conditions, including arthritis, back pain, neck pain, falls and fractures.. A healthy balanced diet is also important for good bone health, to prevent osteoporosis and falls in later life."

NHS recommended guidelines

According to the Department for Health, 1 in 3 people ages 50-70 are overweight. The NHS recommends that in addition to 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week, over 65s should also do 'strength training two or more days a week to work all the major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms).'

The NHS lists the following as suitable strength exercises:

  • Carrying or moving heavy loads, such as groceries
  • Activities that involve stepping and jumping, such as dancing
  • Heavy gardening, such as digging or shovelling
  • Exercises that use your body weight for resistance, such as push-ups or sit-ups
  • Yoga
  • Lifting weights
  • Over 65 females at most risk:

DW Sports found that almost half of over 65s are not getting this recommended strength training.

In a survey of 2,000 over 65s, DW Sports found that just over half (56%) did not do the recommended two sessions of the above strength exercises each week, while a staggering 40% do no strength exercises at all.

Britain's oldest personal trainer, Dr Eddy Diget, 72, is an advocate of strength training for the older generation, especially for women:

"In my opinion, females aged 50 plus are most vulnerable to Musculoskeletal conditions. They lose Calcium in their bones and their joints become dry through lack of 'lubrication' (Myosin) as they get older. This can give rise to various bone (they become thin) and joint problems as they do not have much muscle density.

If they fall, they are more prone to break a bone, even more common, is splintering of the bone, not unlike a glass breaking on a solid floor - it's very hard to repair and this can have devastating effects on the individual and or family.

Because of this lack of muscle density, the joints become 'sloppy' as the ligaments and tendons lose their elasticity and the bones/joints become unstable as age progresses, just like the elastic in a bra will go first not 'holding' nor fitting correctly!

But regular strength exercise will keep the muscles tight and joints lubricated, improving posture, flexibility, fitness and health as it tightens these important elements within the body!

Men, on the other hand, tend to already have muscle density, and because of this, they do have stronger muscles, ligaments and tendons to hold the bones in check and help their flexibility, minimalising the risk of broken bones if they fall. Also Myosin, (Joint/Muscle Lubrication) is constantly being generated, due to Testosterone.

Working with weights for both male or female, no matter what age causes muscles to contract and expand, and will go a long way in avoiding loss of calcium, posture, strength, balance and, joint or bone problems.

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