Seth Rogen Pranks Supermarket Shopped With Talking Food Ahead Of 'Sausage Party' Release

"Don't eat melons. Eat all the grapes you want, the grapes are ****s."

Seth Rogen’s long-awaited adult animated comedy ‘Sausage Party’ hits cinemas today, and to celebrate ahead of the film’s release he decided to scare a few shoppers at an American supermarket.

In keeping with the movie’s theme, they left some foul-mouthed animatronic food around the shop and gave patrons a fright.

Comedy veteran Rogen was sitting behind the scenes voicing each piece of produce in real time, so he could react hilariously to everyone’s responses.

If you haven’t seen the ‘Sausage Party’ trailer yet, have a gander. But be warned - it looks like a kids’ movie, but it’s definitely not.

The NSFW teaser for the raunchy food-based film was even accidentally shown to a cinema full of children before ‘Finding Dory’ at a US theatre.

The young audience in Concord, California, were treated to a lot of F-bombs, some very scary scenes where cute baby carrots are decapitated, and a couple of sexual references.

The film, starring big names such as Michael Cera, Kristen Wiig, Edward Norton, James Franco, Jonah Hill and Salma Hayek, lands in UK cinemas on 12 August. Just don’t take the kids along.

Before You Go

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