Sex Abuse Study: Men Chose Young Girls From 'Menu' To Abuse

Men Chose Young Girls To Abuse From 'Menu'

Thousands of children are sexually exploited each year by gangs and groups in England, a new report said today.

With names changed, the report details some of the shocking cases of abuse:

Marina, 16

She was sexually assaulted, along with her 14-year-old sister, in public and private homes and buildings.

Marina, who is white, was regularly sexually exploited by local white shop owners in exchange for alcohol and cigarettes.

Men on the streets would also pick up her and her sister and sexually assaulted them in local alleyways.

The teenager, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, met a range of men and was driven to parties in other local areas where she would be raped by multiple party-goers before being dropped off at home.

She also reported going to parties at her 'boyfriend's' house and being passed around his other friends.

Her boyfriend, of North African origin, was in his late 30s.

Teegan, sexually assaulted regularly from the age of 12

She was taken by a Turkish man to a variety of luxury houses across England which she described as mansions.

In these houses she would be raped by several men, from a range of ethnicities, who were paying to use her.

Teegan, whose name has been changed to protect her identity, explained there was a book with photographs and ages of all of the girls being sexually exploited which men could use to choose the girls they wanted.

She said the men paid up to £500 for an hour with her.

Groups of men could also request one girl to share between them over a night, when the rape of the girl would be filmed.

The operation involved men working the streets to pick up vulnerable girls, forming 'relationships' with them by grooming them and then passing them on to the men who controlled the business.

If Teegan ever refused to comply, she would be beaten and her family threatened.

Following the abuse, she took several overdoses, was placed in secure accommodation and self-harmed sometimes on a daily basis.

She described the abuse that she experienced as serious and organised, and is unwilling to make a formal complaint for fear of repercussions from those involved in the operation.

Shane, 13,

Shane wanted to meet other gay young people but was unsure about how to meet them in safe ways, so he started hanging around clubs that were known to be frequented by gay men.

Shane, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, has had sex with multiple male partners whom he met near the local clubs, and who were significantly older than him.

Professionals are becoming increasingly concerned that a group of men have become aware of him and are exploiting his vulnerability to engage in sexual activity with him.

He is confused about whether his sexual experiences were consensual or not, and yet he does not feel as if he has alternative options for experimenting with gay relationships.