Let's Talk About Sex - at Any Age!

There are moments in a woman's life, when at any age she can feel her sexual needs are unfulfilled for various reasons. Low libido could be due to anaemia, caused by iron loss during periods or a loss of libido often happens after the trauma of childbirth, with many women too exhausted to think about sex!

Why is it that the younger generation still have the misconception that anyone over the age of 40 does not, or cannot have sex? Maybe this was the case in my grandmother's day, but now in the 21st Century it most certainly is not! Along with many women over 50, 60, or yes in my case over 70 years of age, I can assure them there are plenty of us still sexually active and enjoying loving relationships. And why not? Contrary to what many people imagine the menopause doesn't necessarily cause loss of libido, and many postmenopausal women say they feel sexier and have more orgasms.

But there are moments in a woman's life, when at any age she can feel her sexual needs are unfulfilled for various reasons. Low libido could be due to anaemia, caused by iron loss during periods or a loss of libido often happens after the trauma of childbirth, with many women too exhausted to think about sex! In both women and men a lack of desire may be due to either physical or psychological problems or as a result of major diseases such as diabetes, or through alcohol and drug abuse. Taking tranquillisers to help cope with depression or stress and overwork, can also result in a lowering of libido.

So a lack of libido isn't confined to older women. Modern life can place huge pressure on younger women who are trying to hold down stressful jobs as well as juggling a family, and the result may be little desire or little time for the joys of sex! Whatever a woman's age she has the right to a good sex life, trouble is many still find it too embarrassing to talk about their problems, even with a loving cooperative partner.

A loss of desire can often be put right after carefully looking at the causes of the problem and a high proportion of women do eventually achieve a return to normal libido. Fortunately for many females, this lack of libido is only temporary and the big pharmaceutical companies are currently searching for a drug that will help to - "turn a woman on". But so far they have had little success, so with this in mind I was interested to read in my daily newspaper about a product that has recently been launched designed to help women enjoy a more fulfilling sex life.

Research by the pharmaceutical company producing the product found sexual dysfunctions are highly prevalent in 25% to 63% of women across the ages.

Some women complained they were unable to achieve orgasm, or lacked interest in sex; others experienced vaginal dryness, whilst some were anxious about performance. The research also found that "of premarital and post marital statuses" (those divorced, widowed or separated) "there was an elevated risk of experiencing sexual problems".

The new product comes in the form of a dietary supplement, a Pink pill (of course), which contains a patented formula including the bark of the French maritime pine tree, and rose hips. It's designed to be taken daily and the UK is the first country in the world to receive the product. Will it help women of any age re-discover sexual pleasure, desire and comfort? Only time will tell!

Men of course, already have their little blue pill Viagra for some years now, to help give them a lift, so isn't it time for girls to boost their sex lives with a little pink pill? The manufacturers say their product needs time, maybe four - eight weeks to be of benefit. As we know anything worthwhile takes time to perfect, and is best not rushed!

See all of Diana's blogs at: - primetimelife.tv