At first sight, it looks like any other pleasant picture of two friends, not unlike the thousands of similar images uploaded to Facebook every day.
Two girls, perhaps on a night out or at a house party, beam happily at the camera in front of a poster of a cute tiger cub.
The image has gone viral, but perhaps not for the reasons you might think.
Ah! Lovely pic. Are you ready for the rest?
For a closer look reveals an oversized double-ended sex toy dangling casually from a coat hook above the girls' heads.
Amidst remarks about the "friendship noodle" and offers to "give those girls a hand", some eagle-eyed Imgurians are already calling "repost" and even branding the image a fake, so we've pixellated the happy-looking protagonists.
But regardless of the authenticity of the picture - it tickled us. Hard.