'Sickening' East London Video Shows Old Man Kicked To The Ground As Teens Record Assault For Social Media

'How sick can this world get?'

WARNING: The Following video contains violence that some readers will find disturbing. 

A sickening video has been shared on social media of a group of youths filming a man believed to be homeless before kicking him to the ground for their amusement. 

Police on Tuesday launched an investigation after the video began circulating on Wednesday. Officers are to determine if it is an “offence that has previously been reported, or if a new investigation will be started”.

The video beings by showing a man with a long white beard being filmed near a rubbish bin.

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Police are investigating are a video began circulating online of a man being kicked to the ground

The man, who some have suggested is homeless, appears to be observing the person recording him, before another youth in a black hoodie and grey tracksuit bottoms approaches him by surprise, landing a vicious kick to his side.

The victim, who appears frail, is sent crashing to the floor, and hits his head on the ground as whoops of laughter can be heard.

Police said they believe the assault occurred near the Stratford Centre shopping mall, but it is unclear where the incident occurred. Officers from the Newham Borough have been tasked with investigating the incident. 

“At this early stage there has been neither a victim identified, nor a date for the incident and the have been no arrests,” police said in a statement. 

Anyone with information is asked to call police in Newham Borough via 101. To give information anonymously contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or via crimestoppers-uk.org.

Warning: The video below may distress some viewers.

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