5 Tell-Tale Signs Your Partner Might Propose This Christmas

It's the most popular time of the year to pop the question.
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The Christmas period from December 22 to New Year’s Day is the most popular time of the year to propose – so get ready to see those coupled-up shots on Instagram. 

In this day and age, most couples speak about marriage and their dreams for the future before anyone pops the question. It’s a huge joint decision, which is why people often say “marriage should never be a surprise”. 

That said, the proposal itself can still be a happy, big reveal when someone least expects it. After all, it’s (hopefully!) a one-time moment you’ll treasure forever. 

So, will you be among those posing with your spouse-to-be in front of the tree this year? 

Luxury jewellers Austen & Blake have teamed up with Married At First Sight’s relationships expert Charlene Douglas and relationship psychologist Mairead Molloy to share some of the tell-tale signs your beau is about to propose. 

1. Your partner is talking about future commitments

If discussions about children, dreams and living arrangements have ramped it, it’s a good sign your partner is seriously considering settling down.

“If your partner is putting everything on the table and getting to know the nitty-gritty of what you want and expect, you and your partner will have a better idea of where you are in your relationship, as the important thing is that you and your partner are on the same page about your future together,” Molloy says.

2. They seem nervous or distracted 

Proposing to someone can be a nerve-racking moment in anyone’s life – even if you’ve discussed marriage at length – because it has the potential to change everything forever. So if your partner is showing signs of nervousness, such as turning red, Douglas says this could be all part of gathering the courage to ensure everything is perfect for an anticipated moment.

“A classic tell-tale sign that your partner is about to propose is if they appear more distracted than usual,” she says. “You know them best, so I’d say trust your instincts when it comes to detecting differences in their behaviour.”

You may also notice them on their phone more than usual. Again, this could be down to feeling distracted – or they may just be finalising those last proposal details. 

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3. Marriage (and weddings) keep popping up in conversation 

If someone is about to propose, they’ll have marriage on the mind – even if they’re trying to keep it a surprise. 

“They might talk about your married friends or other people’s weddings. If you enjoy getting your nails done, your partner might ask you subtly when you’re going to the nail salon next,” Douglas says. 

“Whilst there are no rules when it comes to proposing, all of the above could definitely be a sign. At the end of the day, the gut feeling comes from you and you only.”

4. They’ve cut down on spending habits

This is a tricky one to detect, because in the current economic climate who isn’t watching the pennies? But weddings are not cheap, so if your partner has expressed a desire to live more frugally this Christmas to see what adventures the New Year brings, it could be another sign. 

5. Your jewellery box has been reorganised

This one won’t apply to everyone (especially if you’re a guy or girl who doesn’t usually wear a lot of jewellery). But if you find your jewellery box out of place, or if your partner or best friend begins to become inquisitive about the size of your finger or your style preference, you can bet that your partner is having a snoop around your current collection and is thinking about taking things to the next step.

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