Simon Cowell Insists Sharon Osbourne Will Not Lose 'X Factor' Role After Insulting Him And Show

She unleashed a rant on a US radio show earlier this month.

Simon Cowell has insisted Sharon Osbourne will not loose her place on this year’s ‘X Factor’ panel after making a series of disparaging comments about him and the show

Sharon, who is due to appear on the live shows of the ITV talent show later this year, called Simon “fat faced” and “a fucking pain in the arse” in an expletive-filled rant on a US radio show. 

She even expressed her relief at not judging the auditions for the current series, saying: “I don’t have to have those kids singing in my face. They all suck, and it’s like: is this karaoke or what?” 

Sharon Osbourne insulted Simon Cowell and 'The X Factor'Open Image ModalSharon Osbourne insulted Simon Cowell and 'The X Factor'
Sharon Osbourne insulted Simon Cowell and 'The X Factor'

Despite claims Sharon’s comments had cast doubt on her ‘X Factor’ role, Simon laughed them off, telling The Sun: “You know what… how many times have I heard that? Sometimes people get overexcited and they say things they may regret.

“But how many years have I worked with her? A long time!”

Asked if he would work with her again, he replied: “One hundred per cent. Words don’t hurt me.”

Sharon is due to act as an impartial fifth judge during the live stages of this year’s competition, alongside Simon, Robbie Williams, Ayda Field and Louis Tomlinson

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Sharon will still serve as a fifth judge on this year's panel
Doug Peters/EMPICS Entertainment

It had previously been reported Simon wanted her to leave the panel alongside previous judges Nicole Scherzinger and Louis Walsh in a show clear-out earlier this year. 

Sharon’s appointment as a fifth judge came after Louis said the pair could only be sacked if they were paid, as they both had three-year contracts. 

“My contract is watertight. I’ve checked it out with someone and have told Simon that,” he told The Sun. “He has asked me to come and see him in LA.

“I have spoken to Sharon. She’s said they can only sack us if they pay us.”

‘The X Factor’ continues on Sunday at 8pm on ITV. 

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