Duran Duran Star Simon Le Bon Sports A Handlebar Moustache On Night Out With Wife Yasmin

Who's Channeling That Annoying GoCompare Man?

Did Simon Le Bon not get the memo about Movember being in errrm, November (the clue's in the name, Si)?

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Simon and his wife Yasmin Le Bon in London last night

The Duran Duran frontman was spotted sporting a heeeuuuge handlebar moustache on a night out with his wife Yasmin and daughter Amber in London last night.

The 54-year-old singer looked like a cross between that annoying bloke off the GoCompare ads and a circus ringmaster as he left The Ivy Club.

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How Simon used to look in the 80s

The Le Bons were later snapped at London club Annabel's, which, funnily enough, was a fave celeb hangout back in the 80s when Duran Duran were at the height of their fame.

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And we reckon that facial hair wouldn't have looked out of place back then, either.

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