Six Types of Mommy Bloggers.

Self deprecation can actually be a sign of intelligence. It's shows understanding for other peoples opinions and shows that you don't take yourself too seriously! To all you clever blogging Mommas out there, join in for a laugh! What type or types of blogger are you? Have I missed out your type?

This week I'm going to have a laugh about... Blogging Mommas! That's right I'm making fun of myself. When you chose to put your whole life out there online for all to read about, occasionally you will inevitably encounter somebody that takes the piss out of you. So do you want to know a fun way to overcome this problem? Take the piss out of yourself!

Self deprecation can actually be a sign of intelligence. It's shows understanding for other peoples opinions and shows that you don't take yourself too seriously! To all you clever blogging Mommas out there, join in for a laugh! What type or types of blogger are you? Have I missed out your type?

The Philosophical Over-thinker

Most Common Blogs: The inner workings of their complex mind. Their theories on life including abstract baby theories on potty training, weaning etc.

Don't tell her her blog is crap. She'll write a blog to psycho analyse you.

"This is me! Most of my blogs are just my active mind overflowing in essay form!" width="300" height="199" /> This is me! Most of my blogs are just my active mind overflowing in essay form!

The Organic Health Freak

Most Common Blogs: The importance of teaching children about germs. How to make your own baby purée from scratch using only the finest fresh produce.

Don't tell her you use cow and gate jars. Just no.

"Sorry Mommas, I use Cow & Gate jars! I'm not anywhere near a health freak, I don't even carry anti-bac gel with me." width="300" height="199" /> Sorry Mommas, I use Cow & Gate jars! I'm not anywhere near a health freak, I don't even carry anti-bac gel with me.

The FML moaner

Most Common Blogs: It's crap being a mom. I've lost all my friends since I've had a baby. Nobody ever tells you how hectic babies are. Babies poo too much.

Don't tell her you love being a mom. You might lose an eye or something.

"I'm one of these annoying ones that loves being a Mom!" width="300" height="199" /> I'm one of these annoying ones that loves being a Mom!

The Reformed Wise Owl

Most Common Blogs: I used to be a bitch/ judgemental/ hated kids. Now that I'm a mom I understand everything about life and I'm here to show you the way.

Don't tell her you judge people. She'll want to adopt you to show you the light.

"This is me a little bit, "I nearly died so I know the true value of Motherhood!" Give it a rest love." width="300" height="199" /> This is me a little bit, "I nearly died so I know the true value of Motherhood!" Give it a rest love.

The Crafty Ones

Most Common Blogs: How to make a nativity scene using common household trash. How to turn tidying up into a fun family game.

Don't tell her your kid has an iPad. She'll lecture you on the importance of imaginative play.

"I'll be 5 star by the time Ollie starts school. Can't wait to play the matching game aka I never have to pair up socks again!" width="300" height="199" /> I'll be 5 star by the time Ollie starts school. Can't wait to play the matching game aka I never have to pair up socks again!

The Super Savvy Experts

Most Common Blogs: How to make family meals for 10 on a budget of £3. How to get a family of 6 into Alton Towers for free this bank holiday.

Don't tell her you're in your overdraft. Didn't you collect a single coupon this week? What is wrong with you?

"Sorry savvy Mommas, I'm rubbish! Send me tips on how to be better!" width="300" height="199" /> Sorry savvy Mommas, I'm rubbish! Send me tips on how to be better!

So I'm an over-thinking, almost crafty owl! What are you?