Social Media and the Sword of Justice

So it starts to get slightly interesting when each and every psychic or psychically persuaded person I know reports the exact same daily occurrence, and that occurrence is that of otherworldly exhaustion.

So it starts to get slightly interesting when each and every psychic or psychically persuaded person I know reports the exact same daily occurrence, and that occurrence is that of otherworldly exhaustion. No one is exactly sure of the cause, beyond a vague knowing that some rather epic changes are occurring on a global scale, and in some ways, it often feels like we are taking the brunt of the burden of these changes.

The other day, while eating an enjoyable lunch and discussing the relationship between current energies and world events, the spirit chimed in and told me 'the thread is being pulled at', and I was then given the vision of a piece of material (representing the world) which had a loose thread. The spirit then pulled at it, and it began to unravel. This thread would unravel every structure, ideology, belief, theory, which was not based upon universal truth.

The Spirit elaborated further and said that for the majority of the population, life is hardwired on a set of beliefs which revolve around RIGHT and WRONG, or GOOD and EVIL. With this belief they wield the threat of karma and divine justice like a sword, swinging it at anyone who does not fall into the GOOD category, coupled with whatever actions they deem unjust or evil.

From Spirit's perspective reality is crystal clear, there is absolutely no such concept as GOOD or EVIL, and in turn, what man then chooses is their responsibility. No devil or evil spiritual force forcing their hand, or stalking them, it is down to the individual soul. And the action the soul chooses to take will set in motion a domino like effect which would inevitably bring the energy back to them. This may be confused as 'justice', but on a universal scale this is known as 'the balance'. It is there so that a soul gets to experience what they have put out into the world, learning it from both sides. From a soul perspective, this is actually one of the main directives of experiencing life on earth.

We can break this down further to see where the 'EVIL' actions are created. When you are feeling in your power, you know who you are as a soul and as a human, you interact with the world in a positive light, you have love to share. When you feel off, you experience the need to control, you may simply feel shit about life, and ultimately you act out from fear. You seek to control others; you often want to shift your heavy sense of crap, onto any bystander. Think of it like the game 'hot potato', but we can rename it 'negative shitty feeling potato'.

One is feeling 'in alignment', the other is 'out of alignment'. Meaning, you are in alignment or out of alignment with your soul purpose, your inner knowing of the universe and your place within it. This over time turned into 'GOOD' meaning in alignment, and 'EVIL' meaning out of alignment. The spirit places no judgement on it.

Back to the world events and the energy we are seeing. It feels like a month ago now, but it was only a week when I was bombarded by people sharing videos with comments like 'Make KONY famous', and 'make a difference', or something equally as emotionally pulling.

As soon as I saw it come up, Spirit told me that it held nothing for me, and to steer clear of it. The day went on, and I saw friend after friend posting the link. I then started getting messages asking me what I thought about it. I observed the situation (still having not watched the video) and pondered how something was drawing so many souls in. When the energy started to dissipate I knew it wouldn't be long before it would turn on the creators.

Anything created with the intent to generate ill will towards a human being - no matter who that human being is would ultimately come back at them with just as much ferocity, because it was created from a negative space, and they ultimately shared responsibility in what it did to each and every soul who viewed it, and became filled with outraged.

Notice the themes though. It was all about the EVIL acts of a man, and if you were a GOOD person you would feel outraged by it and get on the bandwagon. Mind you, the bandwagon for many was simply clicking 'share', without educating themselves on the topic, let alone donating (gasp) to a well known and reputable organisation.

Before long there was clip after clip released of people questioning the motives of not only the organisation, but suggesting there was a greater conspiracy at play. Since all lies and shadows will come to the forefront now, people began questioning more, asking deeper questions, something didn't sit quite right in those who were listening. The flipside of this is the reaction the population took from this. Anger rose covering the embarrassment they felt by being taken advantage of. This is a positive thing however; it will propel people in the future to discover the deeper aspects to causes they commit themselves to.

Social injustices are gaining focus, as more people believe they have the right to a voice, further shining a light on the themes of GOOD and EVIL. Those who have felt downtrodden make use of the available social media, whipping up a fantastically filmed and edited clip with some motivating music, and bam, millions of hits later.

You have now found yourself in a world full of opinions, outrage, perceived injustice, and blame. Begin with putting down the sword of your personal judgement. Cease blaming others for how you have been made to feel. Dedicate your energy to living in a way which you want to live, stop fighting and resisting - because it will just persist.

There is such extreme action and reaction occurring because the old times have ended. Step away from the extremes, live the peaceful path. Turn away from the outrage, walk towards the solution. How do you do this? Consider what it is like to already be in a world where it reflects who you are as a person at your most 'in alignment', most inspired, most energised. For a day or even a week, stop digesting heavy news and media consumed with negative messages. Experience life for how it is, firstly by you feeling different, then by acting differently and thirdly by expecting others to respond in a positive way.

Live in a way which suggests the solution is already yours. Do not look for the law makers to reflect it. They aren't necessarily visionaries. In fact most of them are so riddled with fear they can't imagine being the first brave one to turn the tide on the big topics. But you, in all of your infinite capability and full of the desire which motivates, have all of the tools at your disposal to live the life you want around you.

The power has always been yours; the current system has simply robbed you of the knowledge. Those 'in power' would like to fool you into thinking they create the world top down, but we all know you live a life that is around you, it effects the world bottom up.

Let go of GOOD and EVIL whilst standing detached yet observant. See it all, relish in the things which bring you joy, and those things which don't, let them empower you to dream a better dream. Never lose your inner centre where you know who you really are, and that there is far more 'good' in the world than 'evil'.

No soul can dictate the terms of your life, nor make you live a life less than what you have become.