Songs Inspired By Books

Lit-Hop: Best Ever Songs Inspired By Books

Once upon a time, poets and writers were the rock stars of their day.

Women swooned at the feet of Lord Byron like he was Elvis. Men read about the exploits of Hemingway as eagerly as they devour the debauchery of the Rolling Stones. Oscar Wilde scandalised society far more than Ozzy Osbourne ever did.

Alas, those days are mostly gone.

But if the link between writers and musicians lives on, it is probably in the form of the literary homage.

Sometimes these are songs with subtle nods to existing novels or poems that reward the keen listener, other times they're great, lumbering references designed to scream: 'I might be a pop star but I read books too!'.

Either way, if you're a music and literature geek in one, they're a bit of treat.

Here's a round up of our 13 favourite songs inspired by literature. Think we've missed off some great ones? Let us know in the comments below and we'll add them.

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