Robugtix 3D Printed SpiderBot Is Terrifyingly Realistic (VIDEO)

WATCH: 3D Printed SpiderBot Is Terrifyingly Realistic

Virtually by definition robots are terrifying enough without making them walk like realistic, massive spiders.

But that's exactly what robotics firm Robugtix has done - with the aid of a 3D printer.

Their T8 octopod/spiderbot is capable of an amazing range of motions, with a uniquely realistic gait.

Using a built-in "Inverse Kinematics Engine", the robot handles all of the complex computation in the background so you can focus on directing it where to move.

Set to be available commercially, the robot will cost a hefty $1,350 - plus $85 for a controller. But let's face it, if you're buying one of these it's probably as part of a nightmarish defence system for some kind of villainous lair - so you can probably afford it.