'Star Wars': Luke Skywalker Actor Mark Hamill 'Nearly Died' After Falling During Filming On Remote Irish Island

Mark Hamill 'Nearly Died' After Fall On 'Star Wars' Set

Star Wars’ actor Mark Hamill nearly died while filming a sequence for the upcoming sci-fi sequel, it has been claimed.


The star, who plays Luke Skywalker, slipped while climbing a rocky island just off the coast of south west Ireland, during shooting for ‘The Force Awakens’ last year

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Mark Hamill plays Luke Skywalker

The Times reports that the 63-year-old was almost “a goner”, after he lost his footing on the rocks of Skellig Michael, a UNESCO World Heritage Site near County Kerry.

The treacherous island has claimed the lives of two tourists in recent years, but Mark was saved from becoming the third casualty by a guide from the Irish Office of Public Works, who caught him as he fell while climbing the steps up to the ruins of a monastery.

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Skellig Michael is notorious for its rocky terrain

The 180m high island has over 600 steep and slippery steps that lead up to the sixth century ruins, and the terrain is described as being unforgiving.

The Mirror reports that the film’s producers had even raised concerns about Mark’s agility ahead of the shoot, with film notes reportedly reading: “Our lead actor is in his 60s and less agile than most.”

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Mark as Luke with Princess Leia actress Carrie Fisher in the original trilogy

The 71-year-old was involved in an accident involving a hydraulic door at Pinewood Studios, and his injuries forced filming to be delayed until he recovered.

However, while Harrison’s accident attracted much press attention at the time, news of Mark’s fall has only come to light now.

‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’ is released in UK cinemas on 16 December 2015.

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