Stephen King Has A Chilling Diagnosis For Donald Trump’s Mind

The horror master went after the president for his latest tweet.

Horror master Stephen King says Donald Trump’s latest activity on Twitter reveals much about the president’s mind. 

On Sunday, Trump retweeted a GIF that was doctored to make it seem like he had hit a golf ball at Hillary Clinton and knocked her over. It wasn’t lost on King that Trump retweeted a user named “Fuctupmind.”

The horror master wrote: 

King has been sharply critical of Trump on social media, both during the campaign and since the inauguration. Last year, he compared Trump to Cthulhu, one of the Great Old Ones created by early 20th-century horror author H.P. Lovecraft.

And just weeks before the election, King tweeted: 

Since the election, King hasn’t let up. During the spring, he said Trump having access to the nuclear codes was “worse than any horror story I ever wrote.” 

The president can’t seem to take the Firestarter author’s heat. Earlier this year, Trump blocked King on Twitter

But King hasn’t let up. Last month, he mockingly “banned” Trump from seeing the film “It,” which was based on his best-selling book. The movie has been number one at the box office for two weeks in a row, and is now the highest-grossing September release of all time